Written by:

Managers: Fairyalena101 and Lovegirlrox

Weekly Favorites!

Hey Jammers! I know some of you come back every day and see no new posts. but, you see, though there are a lot of scammers in Jamaa, not enough pictures are sent in to post every day. So, I will start posting daily about favorite things as well as scammers! I will have a favorite Den Item of the Week, a Clothing Item of the Week, a Jammer of the Week, and, randomly, a favorite Word of the Week! Also, don't forget to check out my Youtube channel, called AJ Rosebriar (AJ=Animal Jam, Rosebriar=my signiture thing like "rox" and stuff), every weekend for new AJ videos!

Ok, Jammers! The favorites of this week are:

Den Item- Lava Archway! I love these things, but I recently traded mine for a golden legendary glove. :(

Clothing Item- Tail Armor! I prefer the black or white ones,and luckily I have a white one!

Jammer- Awsomesauce1! She has been a great buddy ever since I met her! Thanks for everything, Awesomesauce1!

Word- Kumquat! The definition of this word is:
"a small, round or oblong citrus fruit having a sweet rind and acid pulp, used chiefly for preserves." -dictionary.com. Thanks Jammers!