Written by:

Managers: Fairyalena101 and Lovegirlrox

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


oldsmellyfoot1- And yet, another decliner...
punkjessie- once again, decliner.

heart44131- decliner, once again (tra: trade) by best item, she meant fox hat.

 awesome80057- decliner, again.

 backpack8796- another decliner.

Well, that wraps up the decliners! Sorry for the late post also, we've been so busy lately!
Remember, Jammers-
Scammers aren't Jammers! 


  1. Hi lovergirlrox it is me monkeyfacts,i have a new account witch i shall use until my member gets renewed, the username is BunnyLocket add her if you want.

  2. thanks! I will make sure to do that!
